Series GMKPc800II,14 steps & 7 steps

Reactive power compensation plants are used to decrease the load of cables and power distributions caused by inductive currents and to save reactive power costs. The power factor controller is a main part of such a plant and connects or disconnects capacitor stages automatically. The series GMKPc power factor controllers are suitable for the use in conventional or special dynamic reactive power compensation systems and a mixed operation is possible as well.


  • Micro-processor based.
  • Digital power factor display.
  • Programmable switching sequence (optimized) (auto, custom or preset).
  • LED indication for individual step. 5 Auto manual operation.
  • Automatic detection of C.T. polarity.
  • Automatic detection of C/K value.
  • Secondary current / power factor info display、voltage / frequency info display.
  • THD / individual harmonic info display. (3th to11th harmonics display)
  • Alarm output. (THD, frequency, under/over compensate, over voltage).
  • Integrated timer-controlled exhaust fan output.
  • Programmable THD cut-off.
  • Keypad lock (software programmable).
  • Flush mount more than 14 steps.

Order example

GMKPc800 11-14

  • GMKPc controllers
  • Steps: 14


Paraments setting & section

Electric connection

Mounting draw of GMKPc800II controller

Plane description